Protein Powder

These ingredients are required to achieve maximum nutritional value from the Orgain plant. When you use a protein powder or an isolated protein extract, you are missing out on these necessary ingredients that gives that taste to the product. When you buy Orgain Protein Powder or Orthagesse, you will get all of the ingredients included in the Orgain plant.

styrene – This is used to make the protein and mask the bitter taste of the Orgain. It is also used as a filler to make the drink more like a milkshake.

microcrazy pilose – This is used as a sweetener and can be mixed with water. It has two calories per gram.

microcenter yellow reverence – This is also a sweetener and can be mixed with water. It has four calories per gram.

MD 99 steeped Chana sarp carbohydrates – These are extracted from coconut which helps to slow the absorption of carbohydrates in the colon. They help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Chana Methi is extremely effective for weight loss.

MD 99 x 60 Alzheimers blockers – This is produced from wheat flower and wheat seed. Its antioxidant capacity helps to slow down the progression of Alzheimers. It has six calories per gram.

MD 99 x 60 aspartame – This is produced from aspartame. Since computers have been introduced, this has been touted by many as the number one fat burner. This product is very popular with dieters because it does not contain any calories. Some dieters may find them not as appealing, but as one who loves sweets myself, I know that no one can resist the temptation. The calories in the aspartame, are from aspartame neutral which is supposed to be less irritating to the stomach.

MD 99 x 60 peanuts – The raw peanuts contain a high amount of proteins that serve as the building blocks of the body. They also have a good amount of calories in them, but they have two calories per gram.

Now, to set things up here, I should probably explain the basics of calories. They are basically the amount of energy that is given to us by a certain amount of food. So, for example, 2000 calories makes up 1 cup of milk. Then it makes up the total calories in a protein based diet. So, we know that if we take in 2000 calories we get 1 cup of milk. So that is 60 calories. If we then take in 60 calories we get about 200 calories. 200 calories / 2 cups = 600 calories. Then since we know that we have 2 cups of milk then we know that we need to burn off 200 calories to get the daily requirement of 600 calories.

That means if we decrease our daily calorie intake from 2000 calories to 1800 calories we need to decrease the amount of calories that we take in. So, if you lower your calories from 20% of the required daily intake to 17% of the required daily intake you’re reducing your intake from 2 cups of milk down to 1 cup.

As you can see you can run up a hill pretty quickly with a fat burning diet and a solid exercise program to go along with it. Good luck on your way to shaping up!